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Food. It brings people together. Whether we're filling our trays in the dining hall, reaching for seconds at the family dinner table, or selecting our favorite dish from the menu during a night out with friends, we are constantly making decisions about what to eat. But one thing that rarely crosses our minds is where our food comes from. Yes, from the grocery store shelves or from the steaming pot of soup, but how did it get the shelf and to the pot? There's a story behind every meal, and it starts on the farm.


By signing up for a crop mob, you can spend a day getting to know the farm and the farmer who is growing your food. You can see how a sustainable farm is run, and get your hands dirty learning about where your food comes from. Working alongside friends and people from all across State College, you can make connections with your community and have a lot of fun too!


Here's The Plan

1. A farmer asks for help on a specific project, and we plan a Crop Mob event. We then send a description and sign-up form to our listserv and post this opportunity on our facebook page.

2. You fill out the form to sign-up, and encourage friends to sign up too!

3. A few days before the mob, an email will be sent with detailed information about your crop mobs trip (where you're meeting, what you should bring, what you should wear, etc.)

4. Meet on the morning of the mob to drive to the farm

5. Spend a few hours working and getting to know the farmer and about the farm

6. Enjoy a well-earned, local meal with the mob

7. Head back home or to campus and enjoy the rest of your day!


Questions? Email us at

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